Frank Süpplie Epiphyllum hybriden
Frank Süpplie
(ackermannii hybrid x seedling # 84)
ESA # 10491
Naranja (not registered but is mentioned in the directory)
(Nopalxochia phyllantoides x Nopalxochia ackermannii) x Rhipsalis monacantha)
Auweras Gloria VDA (FAS)
(Mary Hoogvliet x Nat)
ESA # 12123
(Disocactus macranthus x Naranja (FAS))
ESA # 12114
Dutch Prince
(Aporocactus flagelliformis x Heliocereus speciosus) x Disocactus nelsonii)
ESA # 12115
Emiel VDA (FAS)
(Nopalxochia phyllantoides x Disocactus nelsonii)
ESA # 12118
Frits Sevenich
(Nopalxochia phyllantoides x (Epiphyllum crenatum x Bagdad))
ESA # 12121
Mary Hoogvliet VDA (FAS)
(Nopalxochia phyllanthoides x Digitorebutia species)
ESA # 12119
Menno van der Hoff
(Nopalxochia ackermannii x Space Rocket)
ESA # 12116
Nelson Mandela
((Selnicereus grandiflorus x Epiphyllum crenatum) x (Nopalxochia phyllanthoides x Nopalxochia ackermannii))
ESA # 12117
Red Peony VDA (FAS)
(Nopalxochia ackermannii x Digitorebutia species)
ESA # 12120
The Netherlands
(Heliocereus schrankii x epi seedling # 13)
ESA # 12122
(Epiphyllum crenatum x Epiphyllum hookerii) x Creme de Menthe
ESA# 13055
Born in Germany
(Epiphyllum # 18 x # 21)
ESA # 13020
Deutschlands Beste ****
(Climax x Dr. Werdermann)
ESA # 13021
Deutschlands Blut
Deutschlands Willen x Epi # 201
ESA# 13056
Deutschlands Butter
(Tele-Ann x W.C.Clarck)
ESA # 13022
Deutschlands Erfolg
(Space Rocket x Show Boat)
ESA # 13023
Deutschlands Freude
(Reward x Pistachio)
ESA # 13057
Deutschlands Giganten
(Lotus Queen x Show Boat)
ESA # 13024
Deutschlands Girl
(Epiphyllum crenatum x Andromeda)
ESA # 13058
Deutschlands Glück
(Disocactus nelsonii x unknown Aporocactus hybrid)
ESA # 13025
Deutschlands Hoffnung
(Creme de Menthe x Limehouse)
ESA # 13059
Deutschlands Joy*
(Ethel Hurst x Hunsrück Rubin)
ESA # 13060
Deutschlands Kleine
(Disocactus macdougallii x Heliocereus speciosus)
ESA # 13026
Deutschlands Licht
(Cooperi x unknown)
ESA # 13027
Deutschlands Liebling
(Disocactus nelsonii x unknown Aporocactus hybrid)
ESA# 13028
Deutschlands Menno
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA # 13029
Deutschlands Neue
(Oriana x Sherman E. Beahm)
ESA# 13030
Deutschlands Party
(Pegasus x Sherman E. Beahm)
ESA# 13031
Deutschlands Riese
(Mexa Kelly x Epiphyllum # 245)
ESA # 13032
Deutschlands Treue
(Disocactus nelsonii x unknown Aporocactus hybrid)
ESA # 13033
Deutschlands Willen
Deutschlands Blut x Terry Hewitt
ESA # 13061
Deutschlands Wonne
Morgenröthe (KN # 296) x Morgenröthe (Haage)
ESA # 13062
Deutschlands Zwilling
(Mexa Kelly x Epi # 245)
ESA # 13063
(Disocactus macdougallii x (Disocactus nelsonii x Disocactus macranthus))
ESA # 13064
Emperors Delight
(Gartenschönheit x Terry Hewitt)
ESA # 13065
Emperors Dream
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA # 13034
Emperors Gladiator
(Naranja (FAS) x Shinto)
ESA # 13035
Emperors Star
(Deutschlands Riese x Deutschlands Licht)
ESA # 13066
Eternal Flames
(Haleakala x High Hopes)
ESA # 13067
Evening or Day
(Stern von Erlau x Sherman E Beahm)
ESA # 13068
IMO Curt Knebel
(Weißer Schwan x Epiphyllum crenatum)
ESA # 13036
Improved Shinto
(Shinto x Epiphyllum # 117)
ESA # 13069
(Nopalxochia phyllanthoides x Maientraum)
ESA # 13037
Mr. F
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA # 13038
(Royal Rose x Epi # 9)
ESA # 13070
Pappa Razzi***
(Terry Hewitt x Ethel Hurst)
ESA # 13071
Paradise Is Here
(Clown x Climax)
ESA # 13072
Psycho B
(Disocactus quezaltecus x Disocactus biformis)
ESA # 13073
Shame on You
((Padre x Blushing Belle) x Tassel)
ESA # 13074
Terry Hewitt
(Oriana x Sherman E Beahm)
ESA # 13039
'Berliner Kakteentagen’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13096
'Deutschlands Andenken'
(Deutschlands Riese x Deutschlands Zwilling)
ESA # 13097
‘Deutschlands Beauty’
(Frühlingahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13098
'Emperors Glow'
(Eternal Flames x Lassie) x Sachsenland
ESA # 13099
'Emperors Newest'
(Clown x Climax) x Ocean Sunset
ESA # 13100
‘Emperors Octopus’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13101
‘Emperors Palace Garden’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13102
‘Emperors Private Joy’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13103
‘Emperors Spider’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13104
‘Emperors Sunrise’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13105
‘Mary Cockcroft’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13106
(Epiphyllum # 18 x Epiphyllum # 43)
ESA #13177
Deutschlands Surprise’
(DKG X Nopalxochia ackemannii x Deutsche Kaiserin)
ESA #13190
‘Emperors Butterfly’
('Frühlingsahnen' x 'Cooperi')
ESA #13178
‘Emperors Child’
('Frühlingsahnen' x 'Cooperi')
ESA #13179
‘Emperors Clothes’
('Cooperi' x unknown)
ESA #13180
‘Emperors Concubine’
('Cooperi' x unknown)
ESA #13181
‘Emperors Evening’
('Frühlingsahnen' x 'Cooperi')
ESA #13182
‘Emperors Evil Twin’
('Frühlingsahnen' x 'Cooperi')
ESA #13183
‘Emperors Giant’
('Frühlingsahnen' x 'Cooperi')
ESA #13184
‘Emperors Mother’
('Ethel Hurst' x 'Hunsrück Charm')
ESA #13185
‘Emperors Robe’
('Frühlingsahnen' x 'Cooperi')
ESA # 13186
‘Emperors Sea’
('Frühlingsahnen' x 'Cooperi')
ESA #13187
‘Eprics Splendour’
('Pegasus'x 'Clown')
ESA #13188
(D. x cappaleanus x Deutsche Kaiserin)
ESA #13191
‘Incas Dream’
Epiphyllum crenatum x Creme de Menthe)
ESA #13192
'Jim Hunter’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
ESA #13193
‘Menno’s Darling’
('Frühlingsahnen' x 'Cooperi')
ESA #13189
‘Yun Zhong He’
(Frühlingsahnen x Cooperi)
'Anna Nicole Smith'
(Unschuld x Weisser Rieseai)
'Beautiful Stranger’
(Nicole paetz x Lotto)
'Beethovens Symphony’
(Nicole paetz x Lotto)
'Charles Aznavour’
(Moonlight x Wendy Mae)
'Chiffon Ruby’
(Pink Chiffon x Ruby Snowflake)
'Colourful Lady'
(Deutschlands Traum x Deutaschlands Andenken)
'Coretta Scott King’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
’Diva Midori'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
'Dutch Sweetheart'
(American Sweetheart x Elegans Lei)
'Franks Angel’
(Emeprors Mother x Emperors Newest)
'Frühlingssonne’ (KP)
(Reward x Disocactus macranthus)
'Genevieve Louet’
(Nicole paetz x Lotto)
'Heartbreak Hotel’
(Nicole paetz x Lotto)
'Housewifes Dream'
(Nicole paetz x Lotto)
’Huissens Dream'
(Wendy Mae x Maiendank)
'Imperial Question'
(Mary Hoogvliet x King Midas)
’Karel Appel'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
’My Darling'
(Maientraum x ( Harald Knebel x Professor Ebert))
’My Dearest Enemy'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
'Old Attitude’
(Deutschlands Traum x Deutschland Andenken)
'Oprah Winfrey’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
'Puppet on a String’
(Wendy Mae x Maiendank)
'Queen Beatrix’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
'Queen of France’
(Wendy Mae x Maiendank)
'Queen of Pinks'
(Pink Cloud x Ruby Snowflake)
'Tina Turner'
(Pitti Paetz x DKG)
'Yes Sir’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
'A Beautiful Day’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13654
'American Belle’
(Nicole Paetz x DKG)
ESA# 13598
'American Country’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
'American Hill’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13600
'American Idol'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13655
'American Lady’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13601
'American Morning’
(Bruin x Creme de Menthe)
ESA# 13602
'American Rival’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13603
'Be good To Me'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13656
'Bee Gees'
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck)
ESA# 13614
'Bert and Ernie’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13566
'Billie Jean'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13615
'Boney M'
(Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof Ebert)
ESA# 13616
'Buckingham Palace'
(Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof Ebert)
ESA# 13657
'Canterbury Tales'
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
ESA# 13659
'Castle Bird'
(Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof Ebert)
ESA# 13658
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13617
'Danish Belle'
(Nicole Paetx x Lotto)
ESA# 13660
'Desert Love'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13618
'Ding Dong'
(Born in Germany x Spun Gold)
ESA# 13619
'Dolly Parton'
(Waikiki Rainbow x Nyctocereus serpentinus)
ESA# 13620
'Dutch Beauty Queen'
(Nicole Paetx x Lotto)
ESA# 13621
'Dutch Boy'
(Nicole Paetx x Lotto)
ESA# 13622
'Dutch Feather'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13623
'Dutch Girl'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13624
'Dutch Life'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13661
'Dutch Miniature'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13625
(Jinx Falkenberg x Sopun Gold)
ESA# 13626
'Egyptian Court'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13627
'Egyptian Dancer'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA 13628
'Egyptian Moon'
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck)
ESA# 13629
'Egyptian Princess'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13630
'Ellis Island'
(Soft Lights x The Volunteers)
ESA# 13631
'England's Ale’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13604
'England's Dreammaker’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13605
'England's Queen’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13606
'Feather Princess'
(Wendy Mae x Sherman E. Beahm)
ESA# 13662
'Flocked Cream'
(Softlights x unknown)
ESA# 13663
'Frank and Menno'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13632
'Frank's Devil'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13664
'George's Heritage'
(Clown x Arturo)
ESA# 13633
'Georgian King'
(Nicole Patz x Lotto)
ESA# 13634
'Guilty of Beauty'
(Whirlibird x Clown)
ESA# 13635
'Hells Angel'
(Softlights x unknown hybrid)
ESA# 13665
'Islands in the Stream'
(Nicole Patz x Lotto)
ESA# 13636
'Johannes Vermeer'
(Ethel Hurst x Sachsenland)
ESA# 13666
'Justify My Love'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13667
'Kenny Rogers'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13637
'King of Nothing'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13668
'Kurt Süpplie'
(Softlights x unnamed hybrid)
ESA# 13638
'Lady Ga Ga'
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck)
ESA# 13639
'Little Sun'
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck)
ESA# 13640
'London Bloomer'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13669
'London District'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13670
'Manchester United'
(Pitti Paetz x DKG)
ESA# 13671
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck'
ESA# 13641
'Menno's Passion'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA 13672
'Michaels Better World)
(Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
ESA# 13673
'Michaels Dream'
(Whirlibird x Clown)
ESA# 13674
(Pitti Paetz x WC Clarck)
ESA# 13567
'Mrs. Streisand'
(Sift Lights x Sachsenland)
ESA# 13642
'No More Tears'
(Stern von Erlau x The Volenteers)
ESA# 13643
'On My Own'
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck)
ESA# 13644
'Playing with Fire'
(Chelfort Night x American Sweetheart)
ESA# 13645
'Princess Maxima'
(Wendy Mae x Maiendank)
ESA# 13675
'Princess of Wales'
(Nixcole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13675
'Queen of Denmark'
(Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
ESA# 13676
'Red Moon'
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck)
ESA# 13677
'Rivers Deep'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13678
'Rivers of Babylon''
(Pink Cloud x Rby Snowflake)
ESA# 13647
'Rosa Parks'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13678
'Rosemarie Schwenzner'
(Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
ESA# 13680
'Ruby Cloud
(Pink Cloud x Ruby Snowflake)
ESA# 13682
'Russian Cream'
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck)
ESA# 13683
'Russian Dancer’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13568
'Russian Dream’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13569
'Russian Life'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13684
'Russian Lovebird'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13608
'Russian Lover’
(Nicole Paetz x DKG)
ESA# 13609
'Russian Monarch’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13610
'Russian Princess'
(Pitti Paetz x DKG)
ESA# 13685
'Russian Sun’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13611
'Russian Vodka’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13612
(Pitti Paetz x DKG)
'Scottish Gem'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13687
(Märzsonne x Frühlingsgold)
ESA# 13648
'Staten Island'
(Maientraum x ( Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
ESA# 13649
'Sunset Dancer'
(Bruin x Creme de Menthe)
ESA# 13688
'The X Factor'
(Pitti Paetz x William Clarck)
ESA# 13689
'This is it’
(Pitti Paetz x WC Clarck)
ESA# 13570
(Bruin x Creme de Menthe)
ESA# 13650
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13690
'Twenty Four Seven'
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13651
'Two Hearts'
(Soft Lights x Sachsenland)
ESA# 13652
'Whatever you want’
(Nicole Paetz x Lotto)
ESA# 13607
'Whitney Houston'
(Oakleigh Dominiator x IMO Curt Knebel)
ESA# 13653
‘African Dancer’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13899
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
‘Amsterdam Treasure’
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
‘Berliner Allee’
Reward x Deutschlands Freude
‘Berliner Luft’
Whirlibird x Clown
ESA #13750
‘Born This Way’
Nicole Paertz x Lotto
ESA# 13900
‘Castle King’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13901
‘Classic Beauty’
Softlights x Epiphyllum hybride
ESA #13751
Bruin x Creme de Menthe
ESA# 13922
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
‘Dream from Portugal’
Maientraum x ( Prof.Ebert x Harald Knebel)
ESA# 13920
‘Egyptian Desert’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13902
‘Egyptian Hope’
Pitti mPaetz x WC Clarck
ESA# 13903
‘Emperors Bedroom’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13904
Callisto x Softlights
ESA #13753
ESA #13754
‘European Song’
Calisto x Epiphyllum hybride
ESA #13755
‘European Sun’
Softlights x Epiphyllum Hybride
ESA #13756
‘Exotic Dancer’
Lemoin Custard x American Sweetheart
ESA# 13923
‘Frans Hals’
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
‘Golden Goal’
Pitti Paetz x WC Clarck
ESA #13758
Pitti Paetz x WC Clarck
ESA # 13759
‘Hidden Lover’
Born in Gemany x Spun Gold
ESA #13760
Whirlibird x Clown
ESA. #13761
‘Ici Paris’
Born in Germany x SpunGold
ESA# 13924
Ethel Hurst x Sachsenland
ESA #13762
‘Katrinka’s Love’
Shame on You x Bruin
ESA# 13911
Born in Germany x Spu Gold
ESA# 13925
‘Little Talliban’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13905
‘Marga Leue’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13906
‘Michaels Memory’
Whirlibird x Clown
ESA #13763
‘Monika Transier”
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13907
‘New Amsterdam’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA #13764
‘Nutbush City Limits’
Whirlibird x Clown
ESA #13765
‘Paradise King’
Soft Lights x unnamed hybrid
‘Pasadena Star’
Wendy Mae x Maiendank
ESA# 13913
Sft Lights x unnamed hybrid
ESA# 13914
‘Pearl Jam’
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof Ebert)
ESA# 13915
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
‘Ruby Night Dream’
Chelford Night x American Sweetheart
ESA# 13926
‘Russiam Icon’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13908
‘Russian Winter’
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13909
‘Sodom and Gomorra’
Whirlibird x Clown
ESA# 13916
‘Stolen Heart’
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
‘Strawberry and Ice’
Maientraum x (Harald Knebel x Prof. Ebert)
‘Strawberry Forever’
Shame on You x Bruin
ESA #13769
‘Student Prince’
Bruin x Creme de Menthe
ESA# 13917
‘Swan Dance’
Soft Lights x unnamed hybrid
ESA# 13927
‘Swans of Gloucester’
Soft Lights x unnamed hybrid
ESA# 13927
‘Terrible Love’
Bruin x Creme de Menthe
ESA# 13928
Calisto x unnamed hybrid
ESA# 13929
‘Twilight Brother’
Whirlibird x Clown
ESA #13770
Pitti Paetz x WC Clarck
ESA #13771
‘Volunteer Star’
Stern von Erlau x The Volunteers
ESA #13772
‘Xanadu Treasure’
Softlights x Epiphyllum hybride
ESA# 13773
‘Yes Lady”
Nicole Paetz x Lotto
ESA# 13910
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